It now occurred to the girls that their mother was in all likelihood perfectly ignorant of what had happened.They went to the library,therefore,and asked their father whether he would not wish them to make it known to her. He was writing and, without raising his head,coolly replied:

“Just as you please.”

“Well,”cried her mother,“it is all very right; who should do it but her own uncle? If he had not had a family of his own, I and my children must have had all his money,you know;and it is the first time we have ever had anything from him, except a few presents.Well!I am so happy!In a short time I shall have a daughter married.Mrs.Wickham!How well it sounds!And she was only sixteen last June.My dear Jane,I am in such a flutter, that I am sure I can't write;so I will dictate,and you write for me. We will settle with your father about the money afterwards;but the things should be ordered immediately.”

Elizabeth took the letter from his writing-table, and they went upstairs together. Mary and Kitty were both with Mrs. Bennet:one communication would,therefore,do for all.After a slight preparation for good news,the letter was read aloud.Mrs. Bennet could hardly contain herself.As soon as Jane had read Mr.Gardiner's hope of Lydia's being soon married,her joy burst forth,and every following sentence added to its exuberance.She was now in an irritation as violent from delight,as she had ever been fidgety from alarm and vexation.To know that her daughter would be married was enough.She was disturbed by no fear for her felicity,nor humbled by any remembrance of her misconduct.

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