The same anxiety to get them by themselves was visible again in the evening.After tea, Mr. Bennet retired to the library, as was his custom,and Mary went up stairs to her instrument.Two obstacles of the five being thus removed,Mrs.Bennet sat looking and winking at Elizabeth and Catherine for a considerable time, without making any impression on them. Elizabeth would not observe her;and when at last Kitty did,she very innocently said,“What is the matter mamma?What do you keep winking at me for?What am I to do?”

Elizabeth made no attempt to reason with her mother, but remained quietly in the hall,till she and Kitty were out of sight, then returned into the drawing-room.

Elizabeth was forced to go.

“Can you come to-morrow?”

“We may as well leave them by themselves you know;”said her mother, as soon as she was in the hall.“Kitty and I are going upstairs to sit in my dressing-room.”

Yes, he had no engagement at all for to-morrow; and her invitation was accepted with alacrity.

Jane could have no reserves from Elizabeth,where confidence would give pleasure;and instantly embracing her,acknowledged, with the liveliest emotion,that she was the happiest creature in the world.

“We will be down as soon as we can,”said Jane;“but I dare say Kitty is forwarder than either of us,for she went upstairs half an hour ago.”

推荐阅读: 第三十九次攻略     超强狂婿     剑情神魔录     我真没想当皇帝啊     下山:娶了妹妹,女总裁她急了     非本丸内本丸[综]     巫师之灾     诡案手册     修行咨询师     逍遥雷王     女神的节操哪去了     悍妃为仙    