After walking some time in this way, the two ladies in front, the two gentlemen behind, on resuming their places, after descending to the brink of the river for the better inspection of some curious water-plant,there chanced to be a little alteration. It originated in Mrs.Gardiner,who,fatigued by the exercise of the morning, found Elizabeth's arm inadequate to her support, and consequently preferred her husband's. Mr. Darcy took her place by her niece, and they walked on together.After a short silence, the lady first spoke. She wished him to know that she had been assured of his absence before she came to the place, and accordingly began by observing, that his arrival had been very unexpected―“for your housekeeper,”she added,“informed us that you would certainly not be here till to-morrow; and indeed, before we left Bakewell, we understood that you were not immediately expected in the country.”He acknowledged the truth of it all, and said that business with his steward had occasioned his coming forward a few hours before the rest of the party with whom he had been travelling.“They will join me early to-morrow,”he continued,“and among them are some who will claim an acquaintance with you―Mr.Bingley and his sisters.”

“He is perfectly well behaved,polite,and unassuming,”said her uncle.

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