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<em>Thank you for using tengine.</em>

<title>Welcome to tengine!</title>


If you see this page, the tengine web server is successfully installed and


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working. Further configuration is required.

For online documentation and support please refer to

<a href="http://tengine.taobao.org/">tengine.taobao.org</a>.


<h1>Welcome to tengine!</h1>


推荐阅读: 永恒之门     带着外挂闯异界     三国重生马孟起     仙道     不灭战帝     盖世小医仙     开局被退婚,我直接夺她机缘     魔法书奇异事件1:秘密阁楼     爆笑囧事:腹黑暗帝逆天妃     恶修成圣     神级复制系统1     大总裁,小闷骚!    