<h1>Welcome to tengine!</h1>



If you see this page, the tengine web server is successfully installed and


<a href="http://tengine.taobao.org/">tengine.taobao.org</a>.

For online documentation and support please refer to

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working. Further configuration is required.


<em>Thank you for using tengine.</em>


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<title>Welcome to tengine!</title>


推荐阅读: 我的26岁女上司     死后七百年:从城隍开始签到     他定有过人之处     影后重生:帝少大人,求放过     都癌症晚期了,你让我唱励志歌?     公子的布偶猫     都市超级女婿     银河幻世录     如意上上签     琴瑟     廉价替身     神医佳婿2    